What’s Your Writing Modus Operandi?

Paula Diaco
3 min readNov 2, 2021

In case you’ve never taken Latin, M.O. stands for modus operandi — your method of approaching a task, in this case writing.This articles asks, What is your writing modus operandi?

Whether you fancy yourself “a writer” or just someone who makes writing part of their life, there’s a good chance you have a typical approach for getting the writing done.

What is your writing m.o.? If you are “a writer,” do you just sit down and spend some time writing? Leave it for a while to get some distance and then take a machete to the poorly written bits? Or do you edit iteratively, adjusting and correcting as you go?

Or let’s say you’re not “a writer.” Do you go ahead and publish your rough drafts, glad to have them done and out in the world?

There is an expression: “Done is better than perfect.” An even stronger version, attributed to Voltaire, says that “the perfect is the enemy of the good.” The idea is that striving for perfection can actually get in the way of finishing your task on time, leading to worse results in the long run than if you had simply let good enough be good enough. On the other hand, some cannot be happy with their output until all the creases have been ironed out. For them, it’s perfection or bust.

Where Does Your Writing M.O. Fall along the Spectrum?

Where does your writing M.O. fall along this spectrum? Are you a “get-it-done” sort of person? Or do you want everything in its place before the writing leaves your computer?

Are you reaching toward aesthetic excellence? Or are you trying to convey information in a timely way? Most likely you’re somewhere between these extremes, but your position on the continuum will determine how much time is spent on refining and perfecting your writing.

If you do set a goal of perfection, does it toss you into procrastination? Or are you able to resist task aversion and plow forward, constantly reaching toward new heights?

Does it scare you to think that your work will be judged on its grammar, presence of typos and other mechanical factors? Is it hard to synthesize an easy-to-understand topic and convey your message in the right number of words?

Or do you let your imagination loose and have fun? Do you insert language outside of the norm to describe your topic, then you go back, tidy it up a bit, and publish it?

There is no magic formula for writing. Different writing tasks demand different things from people, and everyone has their own set of internal standards. Personally, I’m a believer in getting writing done, as well as possible of course, but leaving perfection to the Shakespeares of the world. I can’t imagine the version of King Lear we’ve all read was the Bard’s rough draft.

But then again, if he had spent all his time perfecting and fussing and never reached that finished line of publication, would we even have a King Lear to enjoy?

“Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” Shakespeare, William. King Lear.

Originally published at https://writestoriesnow.com on November 2, 2021.



Paula Diaco

I help soloprofessionals write and publish their content, from blog posts to books. You can find me at www.writestoriesnow.com